Weight Loss Stack
Please see Important Safety Information below for intended use, potential risks and side effects, use in specific populations, and drug interactions of advertised prescription treatments.
Fighting Weight encourages the reporting of any adverse side effects of medications to the medical professional and the distributing pharmacy. Additionally, to report suspected adverse reactions, contact the FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088 or www.fda.gov/medwatch
In case of emergencies, please call 911 or go seek care at the nearest emergency room.
Prescription medications require a medical consultation and prescription with a licensed healthcare provider. Writing of a prescription is solely determined by the medical professional and access to medications and treatment plans is in no way guaranteed. Prescriptions written by medical professionals may be available through Fighting Weight’s software services and may be fulfilled by licensed pharmacies.
Prescription medications carry risks. To review a full list of risks and side effects, please see the Important Safety Information for each product offering below and speak with your doctor regarding potential risks or side effects.
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